Note : The SC6000M doesn't offer a USB Audio Interface (sound card). See Audio Setup Options in VirtualDJ ManualFor further software settings please refer to the User Guide of VirtualDJ 8.
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I still affirm that the Virtual DJ integration, in my case, works perfectly with my Denon SC5000M units, and when, after correcting the drifting problem, on some occasion it persisted, it was a problem with the characteristics of my computer. Regarding the operation of the SC6000M un...
SCKI VCCAGNDDGNDVDD TERMINALFUNCTIONS TERMINAL I/ODESCRIPTION NAMENO. AGND6–AnalogGND BCK11I/OAudiodatabitclockinput/output(1) BYPAS8IHPFbypasscontrol.LOW:Normalmode(dcreject);HIGH:Bypassmode(through)(2) DGND13–DigitalGND DOUT12OAudiodatadigitaloutput FMT017IAudiodataformatselectinput0.SeeDataFor...