The meaning of DENOMINATOR is the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator. How to use denominator in a sentence.
1540年代,數學中指示分數單位價值的分數項(通常是寫在 numerator 或dividend 下面的數字),源自中世紀拉丁語 denominator,是 denominare 的動作名詞,該詞源自 de-(見 de-) + nominare “命名”,源自 nomen “名稱”(源自 PIE 詞根 *no-men- “名稱”)。作爲“給予名稱的人或物”,出現於1570年代。
1535–45;<Medieval Latindēnōminātor,equivalent toLatindēnōminā(re) (denominate) +-tor-tor Discover More Compare Meanings How doesdenominatorcompare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons: numerator vs. denominator Advertisement...
Write a fraction like 1/2 and the denominator is the number on the bottom. In this case, the 2.
Rationalize the Denominator MeaningRationalizing the denominator means the process of moving a root, for instance, a cube root or a square root from the bottom of a fraction (denominator) to the top of the fraction (numerator). This way, we bring the fraction to its simplest form thereby, ...
[countable]technicalthe number below the line in afraction→numerator→lowest common denominatorExamples from the Corpusdenominator•AD534 used as adivider, providingdifferentialoperationon bothnumeratoranddenominatorFig. 6.•Using the condition, thedenominatormay be shown to beproportionalto, which in...
meaning entry 1 sense 1aespecially: a direct specific meaning as distinct from connotations a term or label that indicates something : name, sign denominatornoun the part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator ...
M. (1999). For every numerator, you need a denominator: A simple statement but key to measuring the quality of care of the `dying'. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 17, 109-113.Teno, J.M., & Coppola, K.M. (1999). For every numerator, you need a denominator: A simple ...
If one thinks of the numerator as the number of parts you have and the denominator as the number of parts that makes a whole, then the quotient expresses the fraction of a whole that the parts you have gives you. This meaning is more in line with the idea of p/qp/q ...
2) numerator prefix 分子词头3) SI prefix capital and lowercase of English letter SI词头英文字母大小写4) initial [英][ɪ'nɪʃl] [美][ɪ'nɪʃəl] 最初的,开头的;词首的 n.词首大写字母5) deci [英]['desɪ] [美]['dɛsɪ] 十分之一(词头)...