Meanwhile, the E-106 vaccine induced 64-fold less cross-reactive ADE-prone antibodies against DENV. The mutation did not compromise the protective efficacy of the vaccine in the lethal JEV challenge experiment. Altogether, the modification of a single amino acid residue identified in this study ...
led to a significant reduction of detectable DENV NS1 dimers in virus-infected cells; however, none of the mutations interfered with DENV NS1 oligomeric formation. These findings highlight the importance of DENV NS1 phosphorylation that may pave the way for future target-specific antiviral drug ...
(E) A representative blot showed the expression of caspase (Casp)-1 and active Casp-3. β-actin was used as the internal control. Scale bar = 400 μm. 3.3. Flavivirus Infection Causes Peripheral Macrophage Infiltration Numerous works in the literature have shown that blood-brain barrier ...