Wang Dengfeng: we think about redemption every day. For example, when we make asset allocation, we must consider how much redemption scale we can afford. When we do stress tests, we take extreme cases into account. Even if there is a massive redemption, we will have no problem. More than...
考古与文物2 0 0 9 年第5期登封王城岗遗址性质分析程平山( 南开大学历史学院, 天津市30 0 0 7 1)19 7 7 年, 河南省文物研究所与中国历史博物馆考古部在登封王城岗遗址发现王城岗龙山文化时期的小城∞, 20 0 2、 20 0 4 年, 北京大学考古文博学院与河南省文物考古研究所又发现王城岗龙山文化时期的大城...
drillings and excavations on the Wangchenggang site in Dengfeng,Henan.The most important discoveries are the larger Wangchenggang city and its moat,which can be preliminarily dated to the late Longshan culture.The smaller Wangchenggang city might have been the "city built by Gun," while the ...
A rectangular earthen pit tomb with eighteen coins cast in Wang Mang period has been excavated recently by Dengfeng Cultural Relics Bureau.With characters like Daquan Wushi(大泉五十),Xiaoquan Zhiyi(小泉直一),and Dabu Huangqian (大布黄千),the coins in both bronze and iron are providing importan...
The mural tomb found in Wangshang Village of Dengfeng is an octagonal brick tomb with one chamber, in which relatively complete murals are preserved. Because of the absence of unearthed objects, the tomb was formerly designated as a tomb of the Jin Dynasty according to the structure of the ...
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王登峰讲师未发布课程,为你推荐以下课程: 08技术经纪一 科技服... 共2课时 | 4人学过 ¥199 数字创新的科技理论体... 共7课时 | 50人学过 ¥399 第3期 中国区域经济商... 共2课时 ¥5.9 第5期 十大微观政策利... 共10课时 ¥5.9 第1期 十大宏观领域商... 共10课时 | 48人学过 ¥5.9...
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