Analyzes Deng Xiaoping's leadership as related to the total transformation of Chinese society. Effects of traditional approach on the post-cultural environment; Deng as invisible puppeteer; Details of Deng's rise to power; Limitations of Deng's pragmatic philosophy; Response of repressive political ...
Related to Deng Xiao Ping:Deng Xiaoping A20th-centuryChinesestatesman.ActiveintheCommunistPartyofChinathroughouthisentirecareer,heservedasChina'sdefactoleaderfrom1978until1992.HewasthemajorforcebehindChina'spro-marketreforms,includingtheestablishmentof aprivate sectorandtheacceptanceofinternationaltrade.Hisreforms...
Deng Xiaoping's 'Four Modernisations' called for reform in agriculture, industry, military, and science and technology. Today these reforms are considered to be the crucial turning point in modern Chinese history, enabling China to effectively harness its previously-latent power in its quest to ...
China\'s population is about 20% of the world population while it possesses just 7% of the world\'s arable land. Feeding its people has, therefore, been the country\'s major concern through much of its history. When the Communist party of China (CPP) came to power in 1949 as a resul...
Goodman, David S. G.Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese Revolution: A Political Biography. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. DOI:10.4324/9780203296684 A lively, accessible account that considers the sources of Deng’s power and is not afraid to attempt evaluations. The bibliographic chapter on Den...
In Greek mythology, Antaeus was the son of Poseidon, the God of Sea, and Gaea, the Mother Earth goddess. He is powerful and invincible as long as he is contact with the earth, since he can obtain limitless power from his mother by the contact. ...
On Deng Xiaoping's Idea on the Internal Supervision of the Party The internal supervision is the prerequisite for the Party's building and its political construction and against power corruption. Deng Xiaoping's far-sigh... RL You - 《Journal of Yunnan University for Nationalities》 被引量: 1...
邓小平的生平THE LIFE OF DENG XIAOPING 邓小平的生平 A great tide of reform is sweeping across China, a land of one billion people. All over the world people are following its advanee. Many of them would like to learn more about China and about the life and world of Deng Xiaop ing, the...
Deng Xiaoping Theory was developed by Communists of China with Deng Xiaoping as their major representative, based on the scientific judgement of the Party's historial status. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, China has taken a new road to peaceful rise. In the practice of building a...