2.5 Dendrobium officinale Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo (D. officinale) is a perennial epiphytic herb in the orchid family, with ornamental value and extensive medicinal effects (He et al., 2015). The whole-genome sequencing was completed in 2014, and related papers were published in 2015...
Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo 别名: 黑节草、云南铁皮、铁皮斗 货号产品规格市场价(RMB)您的折扣价(RMB)库存(上海)库存(北京)库存(武汉)库存(南京)数量计量单位加入购物车 B26181-1g 对照药材 ¥300.00元 ¥300.00元 1 0 0 0 EA 加入购物车 外观: 粉末 储存条件: RT,避光 注意:部分产品我司仅能...
铁皮石斛(学名:Dendrobium officinale)又名黑节草,属气生兰科草本植物。石斛可分为黄草、金钗、马鞭等数十种,铁皮石 …zhoumenjxy.blog.163.com|基于363个网页 2. 品质最佳铁皮石斛 品质最佳铁皮石斛(dendrobium officinale)又称黑节草(云南、贵州),铁皮兰(通称),民间药农又称“救命仙草”、“软黄金” …cydz....
爱企查为您提供上海源叶生物科技有限公司铁皮石斛 Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo 对照药材 源叶 B26181等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多白蜡树素、百两金素、半齿泽兰素、单磷酸、白果
Dendrobium officinale has anti-inflammatory effects and is one of the well-known functional foods. Dendrobium officinale polysaccharide (DOP) can reduce intestinal barrier disruption and excessive inflammatory response by regulating intestinal bacterial homeostasis as well as short-chain fatty acid...
铁皮石斛(学名:Dendrobium officinale)又名黑节草,为石斛之极品,它因表皮呈铁绿色而得名,多加工成枫斗。资源枯竭,现多栽培。 2010年4月25日摄于思茅区(栽培)。 花: 花: 花: 花序: 花序: 茎:所谓的“黑节草” 植株; 植株: 植株: 老茎上的幼株: ...
Dendrobium officinale is suitable to grow in cool, humid and smooth air environment. Analysis ItemSpecification AppearanceFine powder ColorBrown Component30% ~50% polysaccharide Particle size≥95% pass 80 mesh Bulk density 50-60g/100ml 关键字:铁皮石斛 ;Dendrobium candidum ; ...
本文以铁皮石斛(DendrobiumofficinaleKimuraetMigo)为实验材料,以带节间的茎段作为外植体,建立了一套适宜铁皮石斛种质 …new.med.wanfangdata.com.cn|基于13个网页 2. 兰科植物铁皮石斛 铁皮石斛(枫斗)为兰科植物铁皮石斛(DendrobiumofficinaleKimuraetMigo)的干燥茎。11月至翌年3月采收,除去杂质,剪…www.shi-hu.com...
2.6Dendrobium officinale Dendrobiumofficinaleis anorchidherb, most widely distributed in China as well as Asia, America, and Oceania. Intraditional Chinese medicine, it has been demonstrated thatDendrobium officinalecan promote glandular secretion and protect the digestive tract, lungs, kidney, and eyes...