Other names: Herba Dendrobii Extract, Fimbriate Dendrobium Stem P.E, Botanical Source: Dendrobium nobile Lindl Specifications: Polysaccharide 20% Appearance: Fine Yellowish Brown Powder Analysis Items Specifications Results Identification Positive Conforms Appearance Fine Yellowish Brown Powder Conforms...
根据聚类结果,可以将所选石斛种类归为 9 个 大类,其中球花石斛,霍山石斛,梵净山石斛(D. fanjingshanense),细茎石斛(D. moniliforme),金钗 石斛(D. nobile)及重唇石斛(D. hercoglossum)构 成了第一大类(I).此外叠鞘石斛(D. denneanum) 及流苏石斛(D. fimbriatum)与其它石斛亲缘关系较 远,形成了外类...
2.13 Dendrobium nobile Lindl Dendrobium nobile orchid species are fragrant, colorful, and beautiful. These flowering plants of family Orchidaceae are native to many countries such as Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Australia. In India, they naturally grow in the lower Himalayas (Fig. 2). Dendrobium...
⽯斛兰 [ 原种 ] Dendrobium aaba0044Den.aduncum (钩状⽯斛)粉红多花aaba Den.aggregatum(龟背⽯斛)黄花aaba0045Den.amabile(=Den.bronchartii)多花性 aaba0003Den.amethystoglossum(紫晶⽯斛)⽩花红⼼多花性 aaba0046Den.anceps剑叶⽯斛aaba0047Den.anosmum(=Den.superbum)粉红多花a...
Dendrobium Nobile Lindl, Herba Dendrobii Plant Part Used Dried Stem,100% Natural Transport Package 25kg/Drum Specification 4: 1 Trademark Kingherbs Origin China HS Code 2938909090 Production Capacity 50000kg Product Description Dendrobium Extract CAS#: 2115-91-5 Other names: Herba Dendro...
nobile var. alba (40.83 cm) had the maximum plant height. Where as shoot production was more in D. jenkinsii (22.33) followed by D. gibsoni (19.33) and D. ochreatum (18.00). The number of leaves per plant were highest in D. chrysotoxum (42.0) followed by D. farmeri (39.66) ...
Den.nobile(金钗石斛) 红花多花性 aaba 0071 Den.officinale(=Den.candidum) (铁皮石斛) 绿黄花,多花性 aaba Den.oligophyllum珍奇种 aaba 0072 Den.palpebrae 多花性 aaba Den.peguanum(土豆石斛) 多花性,珍奇种 aaba 0074 Den.platycaulon(=Den.lamellata) , (扁石斛) ...
根据聚类结果,可以将所选石斛种类归为 9 个 大类,其中球花石斛,霍山石斛,梵净山石斛(D. fanjingshanense),细茎石斛(D. moniliforme),金钗 石斛(D. nobile)及重唇石斛(D. hercoglossum)构 成了第一大类(I).此外叠鞘石斛(D. denneanum) 及流苏石斛(D. fimbriatum)与其它石斛亲缘关系较 远,形成了外类...