Isopropyl alcohol is a solvent and disinfectant commonly used in cleaning and sanitizing, known for its quick evaporation. Denatured alcohol is ethanol made unfit for drinking by adding chemicals, used in various industrial and cleaning processes.
be used in aerosols, pump sprays and balm or gel-type formulations. BELSIL® P 1101既可作为50%乙醇溶液供货,也可用于气溶胶、喷雾剂、 乳膏和发胶配方中。 The yeasts consume the sugar, transforming ittoalcoholandcarbon dioxide, releasing esters and oth...
ethanol,ethyl alcohol,fermentation alcohol,grain alcohol- the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors; used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel; proposed as a renewable clean-burning additive to gasoline ...
95% alcohol can be used to wipe UV lamps. This alcohol is commonly used in hospitals, but it is only used for camera lens cleaning in families. It should be noted that the alcohol concentration should not be too high, otherwise it may stimulate the skin and absorb...
COSMETIC POWDER AND ITS USE AS MAKE-UP REMOVER, CLEANING SKIN OR MUCOUS MEMBRANE The powder is protein-free and the denatured starch is octenyl succinate anhydride ester. The cosmetic powder can be used as it is or mixed in the aqueous composition, and the powder is specially suitable for re...
Informationfordoctor Thefollowingsymptomsmayoccur: Nausea Headache Gastricorintestinaldisorders. Dizziness Unconsciousness Section5-FIREFIGHTINGMEASURES Suitableextinguishingagents Carbondioxide,extinguishingpowderorwaterspray.Fightlargerfires withwatersprayoralcoholresistantfoam. ...
Adj.1.denatured- changed in nature or natural quality; "denatured alcohol" denaturised,denaturized changed- made or become different in nature or form; "changed attitudes"; "changed styles of dress"; "a greatly changed country after the war" ...