110 827 2024-07-03 10:29 by den4b Products (Help & Support) TopicsPostsLast post 1 ReNamer 1,644 8,813 2025-03-05 17:45 by Lauraq 2 Shutter 298 1,248 2025-01-06 11:45 by den4b 3 Colors 8 41 2020-06-06 09:43 by den4b 4 Resizer 2 7 2020-10-06 15:55 by junky...
Compatibility mode Windows compatibility mode allows the use of applications which require write access to the installation folder even when they are installed in a protected folder such as "Program Files". In this mode, when application will try to create files/folders in the installation folder...
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Den4b ReNamer Pro是一款简单好用、规则灵稍有的文件重命名工具,只需要将文件或者文件夹拖到文件窗口就可以批量重命名了,支持插入、删除、去除、替换、前缀、后缀、正则表达式等替换规则。 "锦囊妙技"栏目是聚合全网软件使用的技巧或者软件使用过程中各种问题的解答类文章,栏目设立伊始,小编欢迎各路软件大神朋友们踊跃...
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