In our agenda you will find a complete overview of what there is to do in The Hague. From festival to performance, from exhibition to excursion.
Agenda Performances See the list of all performances in The Hague and Scheveningen here. Today Tomorrow This week Period Discover the diverse theatre offer All locations Theater Diligentia Theater Diligentia is located on the Lange Voorhout in The Hague and has a amazing perfomances. Favourites...
27.9. Den HaagDerInternationale Strafgerichtshofver-kündet sein Urteil im Prozess um die Zerstörung derUNESCO-Welterbestätte in Timbuktu gegen Ahmadal-Faqi al-Mahdi, Mitglied der islamischen MilizenAnsar Dine. Er wird zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von 9Jahren verurteilt, 2012 hatte er bei ...