To maximize the usefulness of HAC tests, only dogs for which there is a clinical suspicion of disease based on history, physical examination, and routine laboratory findings should be tested. When evaluating the utility of a diagnostic test, test sensitivity and specificity must be considered. In ...
Cocaine produc- tion requires a vast amount of leaves and a solid know- ledge of chemistry regardless of available YouTube instructions. Appreciating this process makes the often- mentioned rationale for banning the import of coca leaf teabags quite absurd. To make one's own 1 kg of pasta ...
Quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a powerful tool for demystifying traditional Chinese medicine》.pdf Trends in Analytical Chemistry 72 (2015) 169–180 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Trends in Analytical Chemistry journal homepage: /locate/trac Quadrupole time-of-flight mass ...