Jaster JH,Dohan FC,Brien TF.Demyelination in the Brain as a Paraneoplastic Disorder: Candidates Include some Cases of Seminoma and Central Nervous System Lymphoma.Journal of Neurocytology. 2002Jaster JH,Dohan FC,Brien TF.Demyelination in the Brain as a Paraneoplastic Disorder: Candidates Include ...
(1996) Solitary focal demyelination in the brain as a paraneoplastic disorder. Med Pediatr Oncol 26: 111-115Jaster JH, Bertorini TE, Dohan FC, et al. Solitary focal demyelination in the brain as a paraneoplastic disorder. Med Pediatr Oncol 1996; 26:111-5....
Demyelinationin thecentral nervous system(CNS) occurs in a variety of pathophysiological conditions. Perhaps the most notable is demyelination associated withmultiple sclerosis(MS).MSis an inflammatory disease characterizedby white matter plaques of demyelination in the brain and the spinal cord (Charcot,...
Neuroimaging showed hyperintensities in pons and midbrain suggestive of ODS. The patient had normal sodium levels at all times and had no evidence of hyponatremia. The patient was managed with hemodialysis, physiotherapy and other conservative measures and had a gradual clinical and radiological ...
Myelinated cultures of mouse spinal cord have been exposed to sera raised in rabbits against whole white matter (anti-WM), myelin basic protein (anti-MBP) and galactocerebroside (anti-GC), the major glycolipid of CNS myelin, to determine which factor in central nervous system (CNS) tissue ...
Using a second pair of primers, RT-PCR amplified a fragment of the predicted size of 147 bp only in the sample of MHV-A59 infected spinal cord, but not in the liver and brain of the same mouse. The spinal cord had the most abundant viral transcript during the chronic phase. This is...
Article: Demyelination in the spinal cord of murine globoid cell leukodystrophy (the twitcher mouse)
Naparstek Y, Ben-Nun A, Holoshitz J et al. (1983) T lymphocyte line producing or vaccinating against autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Functional activation induces peanut agglutinin receptors and accumulation in the brain and thymus of line cells. Eur J Immunol 13: 418–423 ...
Until now it has been suggested that the oligodendrocytes completely disappear from CDV-induced demyelinating lesions. However, ultrastructural analysis in brain tissue sections and immunohistochemical examination of oligodendrocytes in dog brain cell cultures contradicted these observations. In this study ...
MTR decreases during demyelination were observed throughout the brain, most clearly in callosal white matter. Myelin damage and repair appear to be influenced by proximity to oligodendrocyte progenitor cell populations and exhibit an inverse correlation with myelin basic protein gene expression. These ...