4. 許多福音派人士對撒但〔與其〕爪牙的能力 及其操作之手法了解得極不完善。 這幾點來自昂戈(Merrill F. Unger)博士寫的《當今世上的鬼魔》(Demons in the World Today)。 昂戈博士 從約翰.霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University)獲得他的哲學博士,並從達拉斯神學院(Dallas Theological Seminary)獲得他的神學碩士 ...
Dr. Smith went on to say, in his introduction to Dr. Unger’s book, that demonology has been downplayed, and even forgotten, in modern times, “In the 19th century the whole subject was sneered at by many as a superstitious idea” (ibid.). Dr. Smith pointed out that only with the ...
Unger, Merrill F. Biblical Demonology: A Study of Spiritual Forces at Work Today. Kregel Publications, 1994. & What Demons Can Do to Saints. Moody Publishers, 1991 Photo credit: ©Getty Images/elijah_sad Bible Bible Study Topical Studies ...
这几点来自昂戈(Merrill F. Unger)博士写的《当今世上的鬼魔》(Demons in the World Today)。 昂戈博士 从约翰.霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)获得他的哲学博士,并从达拉斯神学院(Dallas Theological Seminary)获得他的神学硕士 与神学博士学位。 从1948年到1967年,他在达拉斯神学院讲授旧约。 我为你列举这...