“devils”:特指基督教传说中的邪恶精灵或魔鬼。 例句:The devil tempted him with promises of power and wealth. 译文:魔鬼用权力和财富的承诺来诱惑他。 “evil spirits”:泛指邪恶的、超自然的存在。 例句:The witch was believed to be able to summon evil spirits. 译文:...
魑魅魍魉的英文是什么 魑魅魍魉用英语怎么说 魑魅魍魉怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [chī mèi wǎng liǎng] 魑魅魍魉翻译:魑魅魍魉的英文 evil spirits,魑魅魍魉也可以翻译为 demons and monsters,还可以用 demons and devils, ghosts and monsters; all sorts of evil spirits 表示魑魅魍魉。 魑魅魍魉的意思 魑魅魍魉的...
Demons, Devils, Monsters & Evil Spirits Sign Up! Demonology Course If you’re interested in Fallen Angels, Demons & Satan in Judeo-Christian Traditions, check out this online course! Enroll Now → Database of Demons, Evil Spirits, and Monsters Different religions and cultures have different wa...
Synonyms for DEMONS: devils, imps, ghosts, vampires, spirits, nightmares, ghouls, fairies; Antonyms of DEMONS: angels
Devils. In most mythologies and religions, a devil is a leader or ruler among evil spirits, a being who acts in direct opposition to the gods. The general view is that devils are trying to destroy humans, to tempt them into sinning, or to turn them against their gods. Monotheistic reli...
Devils have always had a negative connotation as evil forces, whereas demons had more individual natures. Daimones in ancient Greece were tutelary, semi-divine spirits of either good or bad nature. In the early days of Judaism, demons did not have a big impact on the religious belief system....
-- Angels: Elect & Evil. -- Angels and Demons: What Do We Really Know About Them?. -- Angels and Demons According to Lactantius (Satanism Series). -- Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millennium. -- Angels & Devils. -- Angels from Hell: Almost Totally True Tales of Infernal, and...
Devils & Demons Watchworthy Film 37 MORE LISTS Know Your Demons Get to know those nasty spirits from below the heavenly planes before they get to know you. Here's What Demons Are Actually Supposed To Look Like There's A Demon That Left Heaven With The Devil ...
“You will be trampled underfoot by the devils. Prepare yourself, my daughter, the demon at My orders will be the one that will add the last touch to my plan that I will accomplish in you, that is, your sanctification." -And what an incredibly hellish war the devil waged against Gemma...
Synonyms for CACODEMONS: demons, ghosts, ghouls, vampires, devils, daemons, imps, spirits; Antonyms of CACODEMONS: angels