lucifer is the fallen angel there are demons just like there is angels which both fall into catigories believed to be the workers or servants of lucifer and god adams first wife was not eve rather lilith the white demon as she was sent to hell whether you believe this its up to you bu...
The Judeo-Christian tradition elaborated upon the concept of the Devil as the fallen angel who tempted Adam and Eve and was forever banished from Paradise. Christian literature also drew upon the belief system of neighboring cultures in the depiction of the Apocalypse, in which demons appear that...
TheBibleprovides abundant evidence of the existence of demons.Satan’sevil angels are known in Scripture as demons. We know from certain Scriptures thatSatan fell from heavenand other angelic beings (demons) shared in Satan’s fall and became evil (Ezekiel 28:18;Matthew 25:41;Revelation 12:4)...
When a Nation’s religious order abandons the moral codes established through the Christian Scriptures over Millennium for all known forms of bestialization, you can safely bet God will show his displeasure. Truss day 17: £=$1.12 Poll Avg. Conservative 32% Labour 41.7% UK Trillions in debt...
These angel-human hybrids of Genesis 6 are the factual basis for the ―gods‖ of ancient cultures.Also I do not believe that the fallen angels are demons or evil spirits as the fallen angels are clearly in Hell (in this case Tartaros- see the two above), but we know fromScriptures ...
He said, “Because the Devil and his fallen angels don’t bother Christians who are sedentary, that is, who fail to proclaim Jesus as Lord. But the minute you testify to the King of Kings you will encounter spiritual darkness.” It could have happened in Kansas City or Los Angeles or ...
Scripture reading/Quoting the Holy Scriptures Reading and quoting the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures, particularly Jesus' words in the Gospels, is especially powerful against the demonic. We can recall that Jesus Himself quoted the Scriptures three times when He was tempted by the devil in ...
Various scriptures state firmly that regardless of their strength, power, and majesty, angels are not to be worshipped, and religious teachers advise that true heavenly beings will immediately discourage any humans from attempting to bow their knees to them. On the other hand, the fallen angels,...
that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, / and that He appeared to Cephas and then to the Twelve. / After that, He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. ......
We do not know for sure if angels can have sexual relations with women because the Bible doesn’t tell us. Nevertheless, some Christians think it is possible, and others do not. Various scriptures are used for both sides of the argument. Let’s take a look at some of them. ...