TheBibleprovides abundant evidence of the existence of demons.Satan’sevil angels are known in Scripture as demons. We know from certain Scriptures thatSatan fell from heavenand other angelic beings (demons) shared in Satan’s fall and became evil (Ezekiel 28:18;Matthew 25:41;Revelation 12:4)...
Suggested Software: Courses on Magic and Witchcraft: -- Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible CD-ROM. -- Full-Color Angels CD-ROM: Heavenly Images, Angels and Cherubs. -- Horoscope Interpreter CD-ROM Generate and Analyze Horoscopes. -- Ultimate Divination 4 CD-ROM Set: Astrology,...
The word demon is from the Greek daimon, meaning a spirit or divine power that may be either good or bad. The early Church condemned all Pagan spirits as being evil, giving the word demon its present negative connotation. Demonology is the study and classification of demons. In the Middle...
Satan's rebellion and the war in Heaven is described in the Bible in the Book of Revelation (words in brackets added by me) . 7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon [Satan], and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not stron...
In far northern Japan the Ainu people believed that their toilet god, theRukar Kamuy,would be the first deity to provide help in times of danger. TheRukar Kamuyis one of manyKamuyor household gods. There isApasamn Kamuythe husband and wife god and goddess who keep evil spirits out of ...
just as true in horror, as evidenced by the vast collection of demons and unholy creatures featured in the genre regularly. While Satan is the best-known demon blamed for horrific events and battles between good and evil, there are several made famous by their appearances in supernatural movies...
Who are demons?What is demon-possession?Are demons "evil spirits"?Do we have power over demons?How can we cast out demons?What is exorcism?Can we command the devil?Why do demons come back sometimes? ... What does the Bible teach about us?Have we only a body?Do we also have a spir...
The name "Beelzebub" literally translates to "Lord of the Flies". He was a Semitic deity, worshipped in the Philistine city, Ekron. Beelzebub is responsible for sins of gluttony. He appears in the Bible in 2 Kings 1:2: "Go and consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, to see if I wi...
The other angels are given the same Biblical names as the ones in the Bible that brought forth the end of the world. The show borrows much more from occult beliefs and includes a vision of the apocalypse, as the Book of Revelation foretold, complete with a final battle that brings God ...
Satan's rebellion and the war in Heaven is described in the Bible in the Book of Revelation (words in brackets added by me)1. 7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon [Satan], and the dragon and his angels fought back. ...