Link to this talent build This is the quote on quote “normal” Demonology Warlock build. Characterized by the use of a Felguard, providing Demonic Pact, and changing into a demon through Metamorphosis. Demonology Hybrid Red Mandatory and optimal Yellow Offensive Options Blue Utility Options Tale...
1. Talent Cheat Sheets for Demonology Warlock With the introduction of the new talents system and the ability to freely change points and share/import builds free of consumables costs while out of combat, it is highly advised to adapt the build based on the type of situation at hand. Best ...
While there are many options for talents if you plan to DPS as a Destruction Warlock, this build pulled ahead of the other options. For this build most of your points will be in the Destruction tree besides nine points that will go into the Demonology tree Take Improved Impto buff his d...
This page will be about tanking as a Warlock strictly for dungeon cleaving or anyone who plans to level with dungeons. If you're looking for the page about leveling as Demonology in the open world, we have a page devoted that that under Demonology Warlock leveling. 2. Leveling as an Demon...