In the world of "Demon Slayer," the top-ranking members of the eponymous Demon Slayer Core are known as "Hashira," a title granted to incredibly skilled warriors who have mastered one of the elemental Breathing Styles used by the Core and proved their worth by slaying powerful demons. Each ...
FlowerSerpent Insect Breathing Moves The Insect Breathing skill tree. Passive- Inflicts poison damage.(Stackable; 2.25 dmg per tick) A full M1 Combo deals XX damage including the poison. First Form: Dance of the Butterfly(壱いちノ型かた蝶ちょうの舞まいIchi no kata: Chō no Mai?)- The ...
Photo: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ufotable Obanai Iguro doesn't just use Serpent Breathing - he created it himself. He's able to incorporate his pet snake Kaburamaru into his sword fighting, which speaks both to his skill at handling two tricky things at once and his connection with...
Synopsis: Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba (鬼滅の刃) is a Japanese manga series by Koyoharu Gotōge. The demon slayer pillars (柱はしら hashira) are the top-ranked and most powerful swordsmen among the Demon Slayers in the Demon Slaying Corps who serve as its elite warriors. The demon slaye...