Back to Towa, she is rescued by a demon slayer named Setsuna and a demon bounty hunter named Moroha, who realize that the lord attendant is a demon as well and chase after it but before departing, Towa confiscates the book and the seat from the lord. When they were four years old,...
Other Title Demon Slayer: Kitsumetsu no Yaiba Theme Songs Opening Song: Gurenge by LiSA Ending Song: from the edge by FictionJunction feat. LiSA Adaptation Manga Main Staff Original Creator: Koyoharu Gotouge Director: Haruo Sotozaki Script: ufotable Animation Director: Akira Matsushima Music: Yuki...
The Demon is part of the Resistance, and is a Warrior-type class. It is divided into two different job branches: Demon Slayer and Demon Avenger (which he can choose between at the end of his tutorial). Demon Slayer can choose to wield a One-Handed Blunt Weapon or a One-Handed Axe,...