Following the long wait after the first season of the series premiered back in 2018, the series will finally be returning for a second season of episodes officially dubbed as How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Omega. Season 2 of the series is currently scheduled for a premiere some time later...
While being confronted by Yotsume and the Lord, Towa notices Fubuki's true body besides her and signals for Moroha to shoot at it, destroying the enemy. Afterwards, Moroha and Setsuna storm the castle to rescue Towa and the three leave to chase after Yotsume. Riku pays a visit to ...
‘How Not to Summon a Demon Lord’ has also been dubbed in English through Funimation with VA’s Eric Vale, Jad Saxton and Sarah Wiedenheft amongst the cast. The anime is available now to stream on FunimationNow, as well as being available to buy on physical release from Manga Entertainm...
Crunchyroll will simulcast the new episodes internationally. Are you waiting for Demon Slayer season 2? Share your views with us in the comments section. Most awaited anime series Dragon ball super season 2 Overlord season 4 One Punch Man season 3...
Overview (Spoilers Below) Upon Iruma reaching the workshop toconfront Kirio of his sinister intentions. Kirio reveals his plans to use magical fireworks to destroy the school and This is where we fall into another Anime Trope where the main antagonist/villain (In this case Kirio) ...
Lady Zero is so distraught she begins crying, and creates the Rainbow Pearls with her tears and the Shikon Jewel. Riku believes them to be lovely back then, and in the present day, vows to gather them back together. Also in the present day, Setsuna issues a stricter than usual warn...