The tank must face the clones before they hit to block them. Once all the clones have attacked, the tank will be given the Tested debuff which increases their physical damage taken for 40 seconds. The second tank swap mechanic is Rising Flames. The Mage gives this debuff when he casts F...
Which Hunter class is best in WoW Dragonflight? Best Hunter Spec in Dragonflight Season 2 Beast Mastery has acceptable single-target, average AoE, but strong uncapped AoE on 8+ targets. Its unlimited mobility and ease of play can mean that it will often overperform in less competitive ...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/DemonHunterVengeance.lua at 4fd3f4963e1e87ae5d910b29ef4ba6d0f55914e4 · Hekili/hekili
Dragonflight APLs Classes.lua DeathKnightBlood.lua DeathKnightFrost.lua DeathKnightUnholy.lua DemonHunterHavoc.lua DemonHunterVengeance.lua DruidBalance.lua DruidFeral.lua DruidGuardian.lua DruidRestoration.lua EvokerDevastation.lua EvokerPreservation.lua ...
Demon Hunter beginner guide for leveling, building a fresh 70 and using Haedrig's Gift to start farming end-game content. Updated for Patch 2.7.8 and Season 33.
DRAGONFLIGHT DEMON HUNTER 483 ILVL, FREE US-SERVER TRANSFER + GAME TIME (US ACCOUNT) I Want to Sell World of Warcraft: The War Within-US-Area 52 - Horde Offer ends May-19-2024 10:24:35 AM Offer views 38 time(s) Delivery speed...
Current best-in-slot gear options (BiS) for a level 80 Demon Hunter Havoc.This level 80 end-game guide was last updated for The War Within 11.0.7.
Potions, flasks, and other important consumables for optimizing a level 80 Demon Hunter Havoc.This level 80 end-game guide was last updated for The War Within 11.0.7.
5 12/22/2022 黑曜血脈 與黑曜王座的賽柏利安達到最高友誼等級。 10 12/22/2022 頭銜:黑曜後裔楷模 湯品監管員 在伊斯凱拉集體盛宴完成100個任務。 10 12/16/2022 頭銜:湯品監管員 巨牙海民家庭幫幫忙 和5位朋友一起抓魚。 10 12/16/2022 登山領隊 完成10個攀爬世界任務。 5 12/15/2022 野生動物攝...
巨龍群島博學大師 完成下列的巨龍群島任務成就。 10 巨龍群島之友 完成下列的巨龍群島名望劇情戰役。 15 我們共創的未來 在洪荒使者未來的風暴之怒事件中,擊殺每個洪荒使者怪物。 5 熱浪來襲 在風暴之怒事件中,當你擁有15層溫暖時,擊殺任何洪荒使者怪物。 5 主動聆聽技能 完成龍類反抗軍故事線。 15 頭銜:調解者...