Maryland is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. It is bordered by Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia to the south and west; Pennsylvania to the north; and Delaware to the east. Maryland is the 9th smallest state in the country and the 19th...
Two studies surveying the organization and staffing of CICUs in the United States have documented low rates of staffing in CICUs by cardiologists with critical care skills. In the first of these studies, fewer than half of CICUs had routine involvement of a physician with critical care skills....
Bar Chart showing Average House Value for the 93065 ZIP Code and comparing it to the city of Simi Valley, Ventura County, the State of California, and the United States National Average.Load Chart Source: U.S. Census 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTED...
The United States of America is a nation of 50 states, covering a huge part of North America, with Alaska located in the northwest and Hawaii expanding into the Pacific Ocean. Major cities areNew York, a global and cultural center point, and capital Washington, DC.Chicagois famous for compe...
San Francisco is also the banking and financial center of the West and is home to a Federal Reserve Bank and a United States Mint. More than 60 foreign banks maintain offices there. See alsoEncyclopedia:San Francisco. Selected famous natives and residents: ...
Continental Congressesmet in Philadelphia, and, from 1781-1783, the city was the capital of the United States under theArticles of Confederation. In 1790, it became the nation's capital under the Constitution and remained so until the seat of the federal government moved to Washington in 1800....
Bar Chart showing Average House Value for the 11356 ZIP Code and comparing it to the city of College Point, Queens County, the State of New York, and the United States National Average.Load Chart Source: U.S. Census 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELECTE...
Bar Chart showing Average House Value for the 92336 ZIP Code and comparing it to the city of Fontana, San Bernardino County, the State of California, and the United States National Average.Load Chart Source: U.S. Census 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Table DP03. SELEC...