The State of The World as LA Burns January 21, 2025Adem Luz Rienspects, aesthetics, alienation, Architecture, Arizona, Art, California, Cape Town, Class, Culture, death, demographics, Ellliot Rodger, Eugenics, Filthy Armenian, France, Incels, income inequality, Literature, Los Angeles, Matth...
they faced intense discrimination. Additionally, most of the ethnic Greeks who survived the genocide emigrated to Greece during the early part of the 20th century. Because of this, there are only a few thousand ethnic Greeks in Turkey today. They make up far less than 0.1 percent of the popu...
The Wolof people became extremely powerful. Before the 18th century, the Wolof people, governed by a king, worked with the Portuguese as slave traders. Up to one-third of the African slaves exported before 1600 were traded by the Wolof. French traders arrived in the region at the end of ...
Explore the Romanian ethnic groups. Study the demographics and population of Romania, learn about the Romanian race and ethnicities, and view the...