Telegram Users and Demographic Statistics Telegram Monthly Active Users Based on the available data, Telegram had over 550 million active monthly users in July of 2021. This was after a 6% increase over the last 6 months at the start of 2021. The last 3 and a half years has seen the mess...
Mishra and Rajesh Chouhan are the lead authors along with scholars of economics, statistics and demographic backgrounds have written this book. It is the product of in-depth research and strong analytical framework by using large-scale data from Census 2011, National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-...
later called “first demographic transition” in this paper, was once the dominant framework to explain the association between socioeconomic transformations and demographic change across different parts of the world. In brief, the (first) demographic transition theory outlines the process...
Key Statistics: According to the latest official data, Instagram has 2 billion monthly active users (MAUs) globally. Right now, the country with the largest addressable Instagram ad audience size is India (385.35 million), followed by the United States (166.15 million) and Brazil (135.05 million...
Define Demographic profile. Demographic profile synonyms, Demographic profile pronunciation, Demographic profile translation, English dictionary definition of Demographic profile. n. A group of people who are the same age or in the same range of ages. Am
DADemographic Analysis(statistics; US Census Bureau) DADegree of Acetylation DADigital Alliance DADigital Anvil(software developer) DADeputy Administrator DADiesel Air DADiplomatic Academy(various locations) DAData Administration DADiretorio Academico
statisticstatisticsdemographic noun Words related to demographic nouna statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc Related Words statistics statistic Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Universi...
China's population continued its decline in 2024, with the National Bureau of Statistics reporting Friday a total population of 1.40828 billion by the end of 2024 -- a decrease of 1.39 million over that at the end of 2023, highlighting the ongoing demographic challenges facing the nation. ...
We report the descriptive statistics of the study sample. Further, we examine the bivariate associations among the explanatory variables and sleep outcomes using cross-tabulations and Chi-Square test of statistical significance. We employed adjusted ordered logistic regression to examine the factors associ...
VEMP responses, including latency and amplitude, were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Kruskal–Wallis tests to determine normative ranges and assess the impact of age and gender. The study established normative VEMP thresholds at about 105dB for cervical (cVEMP) and ...