Read the full-text online article and more details about "Gore: Democrats Are for the People Mocks GOP as 'For the Powerful'" - The Florida Times Union, August 5, 2000U.S. NewspapersThe Florida Times Union
Pros: A billionaire technocrat and one of the richest people on the planet, Bloomberg could self-fund a race without having to devote time to wooing donors. He has an empire of success to point to in both the public and private squares. Cons: Having originally run for mayor as a Republic...
Informal caregiving for frail older people at home and in long-term care institutions: who are the key supporters? This paper describes the extent of the informal caregiving unit for older people who are physically or mentally frail living in private households or resid......
The Respect for Marriage Act, just four pages long, would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and require states recognize any marriage between two people, regardless of the “sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin of those individuals.” When the proposal was brought to the...
Enrico Berlinguer was the secretary-general of the Italian Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano) from March 1972 until his death. He was a leading spokesman for “national communism,” seeking independence from Moscow and favouring the adaptation
Noting that while wages have increased, they haven't kept pace with the prices for things people buy, Ramsay said. "The Democrats would be in trouble even without this, because they couldn't pass their agenda," due to division within the party. ...
While both Democrats and Republicans support some gun-control measures, broad support for extensive gun control is its own constitutional knot thanks to the Second Amendment. In April, YouGov/The Economist asked Americans which was more important: the right of people to own guns or protecting peop...
Republicans believe in economic growth by free enterprise and want people to use their own innovative ideas and talents. Democrats believe that business decisions can be better guided by the government officials.Taxes Republicans favor tax cuts for everyone. Democrats support an increase in taxes, ...
"We've got 50,000 Democrats. Some will vote for Trump. But there are a lot of people who won't," she said. "I'm optimistic." At the union protest just down the street, 60-year-old power plant electrician Terrence Ankrom, a registered Democrat, isn't so optimistic about the ...
Fetterman had a story: A man who could pass for a Hells Angel and had a Harvard degree was revitalizing a majority-Black town that epitomized the rise and fall of America’s steel industry. So far none of those things have stopped him—in fact, they have often helped him—as he’s...