After a relatively cordial race for the Democratic nomination, the tone has taken a nasty turn between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Sanders, in particular, has adopted harsher rhetoric toward Clinton as the two candidates campaign in earnest ahead of t...
DETROIT-With a surge of Super Tuesday voting pushing many states past their 2016 totals, political analysts are expecting Michigan's primary race will mimic similar results. Compared to the presidential primary four years ago, which featured competitive races between both Republicans and Democrats, it...
Working conditions and workers' rights have long been indicators of broader societal power, yet it is unclear whether candidates who take explicit stands on such issues can expect to find electoral support among voters. This study draws on cross-sectional and panel data to examine the relationship...
Candidates needed2,383 delegatesto win the nomination. Overall, here’s how the totals broke-down: Hillary Clinton:2,842 delegates (2,271 pledged + 571 superdelegates); 55.2% of popular vote Bernie Sanders:1,865 delegates (1,820 pledged + 45 superdelegates); 43.1% of popular vote ...
Why Democratic Primary Candidates Have Been Hugging the Barack Obama LegacyWhy Democrats have been hugging Obama legacy--WASHINGTON - Anyone playing a drinking game...Panetta, Alexander
This statistic shows the latest polls on the Democratic primary that is to be held in South Carolina on February 27, 2016. As of February 25, 2016, Hillary Clinton led the polls with about 58.3 percent of voter support. Bernie Sanders had an average of 31.7 percent voter support. ...
Here's what voters should know about the stances of the top-polling Democratic presidential candidates on the key tech issues: Breaking up Big Tech Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanderssaid at a Washington Post event last year that he would"absolutely"try to break up Facebook, Google and Amazon. Sander...
In depth: The 2016 presidential campaign Views of the Democratic candidates Clinton, Sanders and Biden are viewed more positively than negatively among Democratic primary voters. While fewer see Sanders favorably, over a third has yet to form an opinion of him. ...
During the 2020 Democratic nominating process, Biden was defeated in North Dakota by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The state consistently supports Republican candidates and favored Trump by substantial margins in both the 2016 and 2020 g...
July 23, 2016 10:00 p.m. ETThe Democratic convention's rules committee voted on the creation of a commission to address superdelegates and caucus reform in the future. It passed, according to CBS News' Kylie Atwood. 6:00 p.m. ETEfforts to rid the Democratic primary process ofsuperdelega...