The party is strongest in the south. It favored state`s rights and supported farmers and planters over bankers, industrialists, merchants, and investors. Founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Opposed to Federalists. Eventually turns into the Rep
Democratic-Republican Party n (Historical Terms) US history the antifederalist party originally led by Thomas Jefferson, which developed into the modern Democratic Party Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
dating to 1792. The Democratic-Republican Party was founded byJames MadisonandThomas Jefferson, the author of theDeclaration of Independenceand champion of theBill of Rights. It eventually ceased to exist by that name following the 1824 presidential election and became known as the Democratic Party,...
Democratic-Republican Party (redirected fromDemocratic Republican Party) Dictionary Thesaurus The Jeffersonian Republican party, better known as the Democratic-Republican Party, is an ancestor of the modernDemocratic Party. It evolved in the 1790s during the early days ofGeorge Washington's presidency. ...
Synonyms for Democratic-Republican party (United States) in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Democratic-Republican party (United States). 2 words related to Democratic-Republican Party: party, political party. What are synonyms for Democratic-Republican part
A. You can be a Democrat and you can be a Republican at the same time, too.B. A person can change his membership at any time.C. We don't know how many members each party has except at the time of voting.D. In a word, the Republican Party has more supporters than the ...
The meaning of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM is a political movement calling for the establishment of a decentralized socialist economic system within a democratically run political system. How to use democratic socialism in a sentence. Socialism vs. Social Democ
The meaning of DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN is of or relating to a major early American political party emphasizing states' rights and favoring a strict interpretation of the Constitution to restrict the powers of the federal government.
Akpadock, Frank
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party in the United States depend on national conventions for their election money. A. 对 B. 错 点击查看答案&解析 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题中餐宴会摆台餐用具摆放顺序是否有要求?( ) A、A:有,必须先铺设台布,摆放餐具,最后套椅套归位 B、B:有,...