Is There a Difference Between Democrat and Republican States in the Percentage of Male High School Students Who Carry Weapons on School Property?S. Church
Republican Party Platform 2016: We Fact-Checked the Science Yet ideology stems from more than a slightly oversized or under-functioning brain region, researchers say. One's upbringing and experiences matter a great deal in forming political identities, which after all can change over a lifetime, ...
democracy, Democrat, Dunning Kruger Effect, politicians, representative democracy, republic, Republican “You Represent ME, Dammit!!!” One of the most misunderstood and abused aspects about elected officials is that it is her or his job to represent the individual. The deeper you dig into that...
The Senate vote on both impeachment articles fell short of the required 67 votes in the Republican-dominated Senate to remove Trump. Jones faces reelection this fall in a heavily Republican state that Trump carried by 28 percentage points in 2016. In an upset, Jones narrowly won a special ele...
Here are the people I am voting for on next week’s Republican primary election ballot: President: Donald J. Trump, of course. President Trump is all that stands between We, The People and chaos and the forced failure of America as the representative constitutional republic we have enjoyed si...