India’s Performance: India is part of a broader global trend of an anti-plural political party driving a country’s autocratisation. It was ranked 93rd in the LDI, India figures in the “bottom 50%” of countries. It has slipped further down in the Electoral Democracy Index, to 100,...
Democracy index assigned to India by Economist Intelligence Unit during the year 2015 was 7.74 at rank 35 which denotes 'flawed democracy'. Countries ranked up to 20 with index ranging between 9.93 (Norway) and Unite States (8.05) were labelled as 'full democracy'....
To be most effective as an anti-corruption strategy, democratization must be accompanied by sound economic development and institutional anti-corruption measures.Keywords - Democratization, India, scams, Corruption, Rank of India in CPI, anti corruption measures.Banur...
The Human Development Index is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and income per capita indicators and is used to rank countries into tiers of human development. Having a low HDI means the country has a low life expectancy, a shorter length of education and the income per ...
India: As China's share of the world's extreme poor (living below $1.25 per day per person level) has dramatically declined,India's share has significantly increased. India now contributes 33% (up from 22 % in 1981). While the extreme poor in Sub-Saharan Africa represented only 11 percen...
If a military man, he shows off his impressive array of medals, his impeccably pressed uniform, the status symbols of his rank. If a clergyman, he is overly devout and orthodox and places great emphasis on the proper conduct of rites, rituals and ceremonies. ...
Denmark and Sweden rank top in media freedom indices. Self-regulation, trade unions and public service media have protected countries like Sweden. Many EU countries follow these principles, instilled and ratified by the convention of international law (Article 10 of the European Convention on Human ...
All had individual and very specific requirements, in the case of the former two an entrance exam that produced a rank order entrance list irrespective of grades and other factors. The schools were hypercompetitive and ended up racially tilted toward white and Asian students (in a recent year ...
As for China, it has made substantial economic and technological progress, but remains a very poor country. It isranked 86thin the 2018 update to the UN Development Index, right below Algeria. (India isranked 130th, barely above East Timor.) China has huge internal problems unknown in ...
Instead, every department and major agency already has an online brainstorming tool (Ideascale) that lets one person make a suggestion and others give it thumbs up or thumbs down resulting in a rank-ordered list of proposals. Agencies can repurpose these brainstorming sites as well as their Fa...