RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook demigod (redirected fromDemi-gods) Thesaurus Encyclopedia dem·i·god (dĕm′ē-gŏd′) n. 1.Mythology a.A being, often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of...
Having looked at thegods, goddessesandnymphsof ancient mythology, this week's list concentrates on the mortals, from the heroic to the tragic; the virtuous to the infamous. The line between deity and mortal is somewhat blurred in many cases. In Celtic mythology many "mortal" figures are belie...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Rustic Gods >> Carystus (Karystos) KARYSTOSGreek Name Καρυστος Transliteration Karystos Latin Spelling Carystus Translation Herald (karyssô) KARYSTOS (Carystus) was a rustic demi-god of the island of Euboia (Euboea) in central Greece. In ...
125 ff (trans. Shewring) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "[Hermes commands Kalypso (Calypso) to release Odysseus :] Kalypso shuddered, and her words came forth in rapid flight : ‘You are merciless, you gods, resentful beyond all other beings; you are jealous if without disguise a goddess ...
Incest in Greek Mythology: Psychological and Sociological Aspects Today Through the colourful characters of everyday people, kings and queens, demi-gods and gods and goddesses; these stories incorporate narratives, known as myths, been there since the beginning of human civilization; entertain and inst...
便请宙斯仲裁 Athena is in the Greek mythology wisdom goddess.East the fable she filled with the sea god wave simultaneously selects Greece Arab League to raise the kind peninsula south tip of land to make the asylum place, two gods arrived are without making any mutual concessions, then ...
Alexiares and Anicetus were two ancient Greek demigods who presided over the defence and fortification of towns and citadels. Their names mean the unconquerable one and he who wards off war. They were sons of Heracles and Hebe who were born after the her
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Agrarian Gods >> Carme (Karme) KARMEGreek Name Καρμη Transliteration Karmê Latin Spelling Carme Translation Crop, Shear KARME (Carme) was a Kretan (Cretan) demi-goddess of the harvest. She was a daughter of Euboulos (Eubulus), demi-god of ...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Agrarian Gods >> Eubuleus (Eubouleus) EUBOULEUSGreek Name Ευβουλευς Ευβουλεος Transliteration Eubouleus, Eubouleos Latin Spelling Eubuleus Translation Good-Counsellor EUBOULEUS (Eubuleus) was the demi-god or hero of the ...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Rustic Gods >> Silens >> Nysus (Nysos) NYSOSGreek Name Νυσος Transliteration Nysos Latin Spelling Nysus Translation Of Mount Nysa NYSOS (Nysus) was an old Seilen demi-god of Mount Nysa. He was entrusted by Zeus with the care of the ...