If a driver runs a red light, there will be no increase indemeritpoints, but the offender will be fined # euros Ako vozač prođe kroz crveno svetlo na semaforu neće dobitikaznene poene, ali će prekršilac biti kažnjen sa # evra ...
complete.The accumulated points will in the meantime still be reflected on the traffic fine, showing motorists how many points they would have accumulated had the system been in place.All drivers will be given 12 points a year on their licences, and for every traffic violation points will be ...
Thismeansthatyourlicenceiscancelledandyounolonger havetherighttodrive. Ifyouhaveneverheldadriver’slicenceand4demerit pointsormoreareenteredonyourdrivingrecord,theSAAQ informsyouinwritingthatyourrighttoobtainalearner’s licencehasbeensuspended. Thismeansthatyoucannotobtainalearner’slicence foraminimumperiodof3...
If a driver runs a red light, there will be no increase in demerit points, but the offender will be fined # euros Ako vozač prođe kroz crveno svjetlo na semaforu, neće dobiti negativne bodove, ali će prekršitelj biti kažnjen sa # eura Setimes And that's a demer...