Christianity has not been the only doctrine favouring the spread of such meaning around dementia. According to Sikhism, each member of the community has to respect the principle of‘seva’ and support the congregation through selfless acts (e.g. caring for the sick, helping the poor)‘with th...
Community Practice Connections™: Optimizing the Management of Tardive Dyskinesia—Addressing the Complexity of Care With Targeted Treatment View More Burst CME™: Optimizing the Use of CGRP Targeted Agents for the Treatment of Migraine View More Burst CME™: Optimizing Migraine Management – Add...
Integrating skill building and peer support in mental health treatment: the Early Intervention and Community Network Development projects The number of older Asians in the UK is increasing placing greater numbers at risk of developing dementia. The emerging need to address early diagnosis is ... EEB...
From JAMA Network: Fourteen randomized clinical trials were eligible for inclusion (96 158 participants), of which 12 reported the incidence of dementia (or composite of dementia and cognitive impairment [3 trials]) on follow-up and were included in the primary meta-analysis, 8 reported cognitive...
Both of these areas will be explored within the context of a global community, by grounding our discussion in WHO’s Global Action Plan on Dementia (GAP). We will place the concepts of dementia – first, as a medical diagnosis and second, as the lived experiences with dementia symptoms –...
Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network: Responding With Stress First Aid and Caring for Residents With DementiaThe GWEP at the University of Rochester (New York) has an established network of nursing homes participating in Project ECHO. This ECHO hub includes geriatric medicine, psychiatry, pharmacy...
domains of the concept of living well have been identified: physical (maintaining independence and symptoms management); psychological (psychological health, emotional balance, and preservation of a sense of self and identity); social relationships (social relation, community connectivity, support policies...
Community Videos Free Counselling EN Action Another action Free Counselling LOGIN SIGN UP Help us to know you better Thanks for visiting today! So that we can show you the most relevant information, please select the option that most closely relates to you. Looking...
Prevalence of concurrent functional vision and hearing impairment and association with dementia in community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(3):e211558-e211558. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1558ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 4. Deal JA, Betz J, Yaffe K...
“How familiar are you with dementia-related resources and services in your community?”“Do you use such resources and services?” and “What helps or hinders your use of such resources and services?” The interviewers asked questions and prompted follow-up explanations for further elaboration. ...