5 A 54-year-old woman complained of headache, head pressure ear ringing, blurry vision, gait disorder, and cognitive "slowing". Sagittal T2-weighted MRI of the cervical spine shows infratentorial hemo- siderosis with hemosiderin in the foliae of the upper vermis (A: hollow arrow) and ...
This product is traditional herbal medicinal product containingginkgo bilobaleaf extract.Ginkgo Bilobatablets are used to relieve thesymptomsof tinnitus (ringing in the ears) andRaynaud’s syndrome,based ontraditional use only. Raynaud’s syndromecan causesymptomssuch as cold hands and feet. Or pain,...
Jennie Gow is a journalist and broadcaster who has been covering motorsport for over a decade, and is an expert on all things Formula 1. But fast cars are not the main focus of today’s episode; she joins Gabby to talk about an experience away from the track that she never envisaged ha...