Examples ofdemeanorin a Sentence Staffs like the one at Veritas have come a long way from the days when sommeliers … intimidated diners with their overbearingdemeanorand French accents.— Food & Wine,September 2002 Sam himself, a quiet young man with a rather shydemeanor, was somewhat bemused...
Examples of demeanor in a Sentence Staffs like the one at Veritas have come a long way from the days when sommeliers … intimidated diners with their overbearing demeanor and French accents. Food & Wine, September 2002 Sam himself, a quiet young man with a rather shy demeanor, was ...
You can use demeanor anytime someone’s responses don’t fit the situation. If someone is trying to be polite but they’re actually furious, using “demeanor” tells people it’s all a mask. Again, this also works when someone acts happy, but you can tell they feel sad. Want more ex...
Some examples are given below. UN-2 我举这一例子,目的是承认妇女组织的工作和领导作用,这些组织在联合国妇女发展基金支持下,参与了冲突后进程,并帮助人们认识到,在冲突中遭到性侵犯的人和由于此种侵犯而出生的儿童有权得到补偿。 I cite that example in order to acknowledge the work and leadership of...
Examples A co-worker at UVa said Matthew’s demeanor changed the week after Graham disappeared. Typically jovial, she said, Matthew became reserved, and began taking his lunch break alone.[The Roanoke Times] An 0-3 start that includes one of the most humiliating losses in franchise history is...
Synonyms and examples demeanourUK behaviorUS He admitted his behavior was inappropriate. conduct He was dismissed for inappropriate conduct. comportmentformal This scandal raises new questions about the president's comportment. manner His manner can be condescending. ways Grandma had some funny ways....
DEMEANOR meaning: a person's appearance and behavior the way someone seems to be to other people usually singular
类属Thesaurus 例句Examples 筆順Strokes 字Character 字源Etymology Settings demeanor dɪ'miːnər Main Part of Speech(名) noun Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun ...
Examples:“She slouched against the wall and rolled her eyes in a demeanor typical of bored teenagers.”“You could tell he was nervous by his demeanor: he was frequently pacing around the room and wringing his hands together.” 查看更多回答 Q: 請提供關於 demeanor 的例句給我。 A:“...
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