need 是指全人类自身的基本需求(比如:需要食物); want 是指不同社会环境下的人们的需求(比如:想要吃汉堡); demand 是指具体到个人,由个人能力(比如:购买能力)支持的需求。 从对象范围来看,这三个词的描述逐渐变窄: need 最为宽泛,是我们全人类共同的基本需求; want 收窄了一些,和环境密切相关(上一篇我们提到...
need需求,是人们对生活必需品的需要。want想要,除了生活必需品,人们还需要一些发展资料进行生活。这是潜在需求 demand需求,要求,就是为了满足需要而产生的消费行为,这种需求是需要营销人员激发的购买欲望。
Need, want and demand are key success factors of marketing, because the main concept of marketing is to provide (need, want) according to demand. NEED Need is a term that used for describing those requirements that exist naturally, for example: we need foods, water, safety, clothing, home...
1、意思的区别:needs需要,必须( need的第三人称单数 );(表示应该或不得不做) 有必要。wants缺少( want的第三人称单数 );应该;打算;渴望。demands需要;要求( demand的第三人称单数 );想要知道;查问。2、需求层面上的区别:needs主要指的是物质上的需要,另外马斯洛的需要层次理论也是用的ne...
:needentry2sense 2,require an illness thatdemandsconstant care demandable -ˈman-də-bəl adjective demandernoun Legal Definition demand 1 of 2noun de·mand 1 :a formal request or call for something (as payment for a debt) especially based on a right or made with force ...
Synonyms for DEMAND: request, requirement, wish, requisition, desire, claim, ultimatum, need; Antonyms of DEMAND: surplus, extra, luxury, comfort, indulgence, nonnecessity, extravagance, nonessential
(顾客的)需求,需要the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use IDM by popular demand 由于许多人的要求;由于普遍要求because a lot of people have asked for sth in demand 需求大wanted by a lot of people ...
(顾客的)需求,需要the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use IDM by popular demand 由于许多人的要求;由于普遍要求because a lot of people have asked for sth in demand 需求大wanted by a lot of people ...
If you need assistance with the update process or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help. Version 5.8 2023.02.24 We are proud to announce that our Supply and Demand Zone Indicator continues to be the highest rated tool of its kind in the ...
In order to succeed, you need demand for what you sell and a customer base that chooses you over the competition. You can boost public demand for your goods and services through demand-gen marketing, and you can convert that demand into paying customers through lead-gen marketing. Here is...