1.These changes have been led by the interaction of demand and supply in the market.这一转变既有需求变化的原因,也有供给增长的因素,是英语人才市场多年来的需求与供给相互作用的结果。 英文短句/例句 1.the seesaw of supply and demand需求与供给的拉锯状态 2.Model Analyses of Urban Traffic Demand and...
When quantity demanded and quantity supplied of a good is not equal at price level, cause the situation of disequilibrium in the market of that good. If the demand is higher than the supply, the situation of excess demand is created. If the supply is more than the demand, the situ...
We generally compute this metric where Dashers sign up to Dash and to time units that can span from hourly durations to daypart units like lunch and dinner. It is very important to not select an aggregation level that can lead to artificial demand and supply smoothing. For example, within a...
Starting from November 1st, multiple banks have implemented a new pricing mechanism for commercial personal housing loan interest rates, and the interest rates for existing housing loans can be dynamically adjusted through independent negotiation. The housing issue is closely related to both people's li...
3.This paper predicts the supply and demand of cultivated land and analyzes the safeguard of the cultivated land and problems in the demand of cultivated land in the future,establishes the index system of safeguard evaluation of cultivated land, and evaluates the safety state of cultivated land i...
Chapter4SupplyandDemand Fall2017 1 Questions •Ifyouaremakingrealestateinvestmentdecisions,howwouldyoupredicttheeffectofthepolicychanges?•WhataretherealfactordrivingtheresidentialhousingpriceinChina?•Whatarethelong-runperspectivesofChineserealestatemarkets?2 TheMarketMechanism •AMarketisamechanismthroughwhich...
While the supply of nursing beds for the elderly in professional institutions will be increased, community and home-based care services are also encouraged. Many localities have piloted at-home elderly care services, offering such things as elderly friendly facilities, nursing beds and monitoring equi...
Demand and supply: Meeting the need for teachers in the "new" Russian school. Journal of Education for Teaching, 22, 9-22.Webber, S. K. (1996) Demand and supply: meeting the need for teachers in the ‘new’ Russian School, Journal of Education for Teaching , 22(I), pp. 9–26...
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In hisrecent speech, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Dennis Lockhart highlighted concerns about the linkage between commercial real estate loan problems at banks and small business financing during the economic recovery: “The overall commercial real estate debt in the financial system is small...