精神是指人能将体内外刺激转化成语言、图像等形式并为人所用的一种能力,精神形成的过程就是对人工刺激如语言形成条件反射的过程,精神包括知、情、意,其中 认知包括感觉、感知、记忆、思维、注意力,是精神的核…
妄想症(英语:Delusional disorder),又称妄想性障碍,是一种精神病学诊断,指“抱有一个或多个非怪诞性的妄想,同时不存 …zh.wikipedia.org|基于477个网页 2. 妄想性病患 医学生常用的医学英语... ... schizophrenia 精神分裂病 delusional Disorder 妄想性病患 Major Depressive Disorder 重郁症疾患 ... www.doc...
dissociative disorder分离性障碍 相似单词 delusional妄想的 disordern. 1.[U]混乱,凌乱,无秩序 2.[U]骚乱;[C]动乱,暴乱 3.[C,U](身体或精神)不适,疾病 v. 1.[T]弄乱(某物) sleep disorder睡眠障碍 part disorder【医】 部分精神障碍 最新单词 ...
妄想障碍(delusional disorder),世卫组织称妄想性障碍,又称偏执性精神病(paranoid psychosis)、偏执型精神障碍(paranoid disorder)、单纯性偏执状态(simple paranoid state),是一种精神疾病,此疾病的患者有妄想障碍状,但是没有明显的幻觉、思考障碍或情绪障碍。对于妄想障碍的概念,曾使用偏执狂一词。现代精神病学中,此...
Delusional disorder, also known as paranoid disorder, is a psychiatric condition characterized bythe presence of delusions that persist for at least one month. These delusions are typicallynon-bizarre, meaning that they are plausible but still false beliefs that are not rooted in reality.The person...
Delusional disorder, once termed paranoia, was an important diagnosis in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and only in 1987 was it reintroduced into modern psychiatric diagnosis after being subsumed with schizophrenia. This book provides a comprehensive review of delusional disorder for...
妄想症(Delusional Disorder) 文/曾国晋 妄想症 一、解析 妄想症属于精神分裂症的一种。精神分裂症是精神活动与环境的不协调为主要特征的一类最常见的精神病,而妄想症是一种不理性、与现实不符的错误信念。妄想症患者较为孤僻内向,对日常生活的某些方面具有难以理解的偏执与歪曲。
妄想症的英文是什么 妄想症用英语怎么说 妄想症怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [wàng xiǎng zhèng] 妄想症翻译:妄想症的英文 paranoia,妄想症也可以翻译为 paranoid,还可以用 delusional disorder 表示妄想症。 妄想症的意思 妄想症的翻译 妄想症的解释 妄想症的发音 妄想症的辞典例句用法 妄想症的词组短语 妄想症意思是什...
Delusional disorder, previously calledparanoiddisorder, is a type of seriousmental illnesscalled a psychotic disorder. People who have it can’t tell what’s real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They’re unshakable beliefs in something that isn’t true...