Delusions of grandeur,這個確切的短語,最早記錄於1840年,儘管這兩個詞在此之前的一段時間內就已經緊密關聯。 也來自:early 15c.相關條目 delusion delude(v.) "欺騙,欺騙,誤導思想或判斷",約1400年,來自拉丁語 deludere “玩假; 嘲弄,欺騙”,來自 de- “向下,對自己的損害”(見 de-) + ludere “玩”(...
delusions of grandeur. Psychiatry.a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion. Discover More Other Words From de·lu sion·alde·lu sion·ar yadjective pre de·lu sionnoun Discover More ...
I consider'd also that I could by no Means tell for certain where I had trod, and where I had not; and that if at last this was only the Print of my own Foot, I had play'd the Part of those Fools, who strive to make stories of Spectres, and Apparitions; and then are frighted...
A delusion is a false judgment, usually affecting the real concerns of life. Or, in other words, it is an erroneous view of something which exists indeed, but has by no means the qualities or attributes ascribed to it. Thus we speak of the illusions of fancy, the illusions of hope, ...
Delusions of grandeur,这个确切的短语,最早记录于1840年,尽管这两个词在此之前的一段时间内就已经紧密关联。 同样来自于:early 15c.相关词汇 delusion delude(v.) "欺骗,欺骗,误导思想或判断",约1400年,来自拉丁语 deludere “玩假; 嘲弄,欺骗”,来自 de- “向下,对自己的损害”(见 de-) + ludere “玩...
illusionis an impression that, though false, is entertained provisionally on the recommendation of the senses or the imagination, but awaits full acceptance and may not influence action.Delusions of grandeur, the exact phrase, is recorded from 1840, though the two words were in close association ...