Schauspieler 4 वर्ष पहले बनाया गया • 2 लोग (1895–1) France@ 5 वर्ष पहले बनाया गया • 249 लोग Best French Actress in Supporting Role 1940-1949 13 वर्ष पहले...
De Lubac: A Guide for the Perplexed.BooksMEET HENRI DE LUBAC: HIS LIFE AND WORK. By Rudolf Voderholzer. Translated from the German by Michael J. Miller. San Francisco: Ignatius, 2008. Pp. 222. $12.95.Doyle, Dennis M.Sage Publications, Inc.Theological Studies...
EVERYTHING Is Sacred: Spiritual Exegesis in the Political Theology of Henri de Lubac (Book)MEET Henri de Lubac: His Life & Work (Book)DE Lubac: A Guide for the Perplexed (Book)GRUMETT, DavidVODERHOLZER, RudolfNONFICTIONThis article engages with ...
Eucharist, Matter and the Supernatural: Why de Lubac Needs Teilharddoi:10.1111/J.1468-2400.2007.00295.XDavid GrumettBlackwell Publishing LtdEucharist, Matter, and the Supernatural: Why De Lubac Needs Teilhard." International Journal of Systematic Theology 10, no. 2 (2008): 165-78....
doi:10.1093/jts/fly049McPartlan PaulThe Journal of Theological Studies
Henri de Lubac, tome II: Les années de formation (1919–1929) [Henri de Lubac, Volume 2: The Years of Formation, 1919–1929]– By Georges ChantraineNational CurriculumPhysical EducationEducational NeedsInclusive SchoolsForeign CountriesMainstreamingSpecial Needs Students...
Yet Rahner applies his ontological symbolism inconsistently. Read together, de Lubac and Rahner's theologies of the symbol are mutually illuminating and corrective.doi:10.1111/ijst.12334Mobley, JoshuaJohn Wiley and SonsInternational Journal of Systematic Theology...
FRIENDSHIPCATHOLICSPOINTING (Gesture)GESTUREMaurice Blondel's philosophy has had a decisive influence on the theology of Henri de Lubac, but more than an influence, it goes of an encounter and a dialogue between two great Catholic thinkers. This article proposes, over the...
Wright IV, William M. "The Literal Sense of Scripture According to Henri De Lubac: Insights from Patristic Exegesis of the Transfiguration." Modern Theology 28, no. 2 (2012): 252-77.Wright IV, William M. "The Literal sense of Scripture According to Henri De Lubac: Insights from Patristic...