[微恐怖]DELTARUNE VHS | TASQUE MANAGER一只呆萌的ink 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1.4万 26 00:24 App [微恐怖]三角符文录影带|克里斯,快捡香蕉。|DELTARUNE VHS | Kris, get the banana. 21.0万 57 00:22 App Ankha Dance but with Tasque Manager 1.0万 7 01:14 App 《英 ...
Tasque Manager是出現在女王宅邸的小頭目,主要工作是在管理Tasque。 Tasque Manager長得十分像貓。有著白色菱形頭、黃色眼睛、兩根長睫毛、月牙形的嘴巴和一簇藍色頭髮,頭上有一對類似於貓耳的突起,背後則有一條類似於貓咪尾巴的藍色電線。 Tasque Manager穿著類似一件白
Death By Chaos [5K SUB SPECIAL] | surreal's DELTASWAP Chapter 2 1787 5 5:27 App 【三角符文】我有一套关于小丑魔的攻略,虽然不能无伤但通关还是可以的 304 -- 2:09 App SUNSELLER | DELTARUNE / DELTASWAP Chapter 1 905 -- 0:34 App 【三角符文/动画】doctor - deltarune chapter 2 animatic ...
Tasque Man..上某插画交流网站看了一圈,有关dr第二章的图已经被光速创作出不少了,其中Tasque Manager(任务管理器?)在敌人中算是人气最高了吧,每隔几张就有一张她的图
tasque-manager_-_deltarune__cryptiacurves3D Model isaac13359 Follow 620 620 Downloads 3.7k 3727 Views 65Like Download 3D ModelAdd toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 160.2k Vertices: 81.1kMore model information No description provided. License: CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution Learn more Publis...
Susie's "wan" sprite alongside a sign, from "S-Action" versus Tasque Manager. Susie's gangster outfit from the Shadowmen teaser. Susie looking back at Noelle Susie's angry sprite Susie blinking from a hidden blinking teaser. An unused version of Susie's Dark World sprite Angry Silent Toby...
Order, Order! - Deltarune UST (Fanmade Tasque Manager Battle Theme)一只呆萌的ink 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多417 -- 26:30 App (原作者narrowinha)三人玩三角符文第一章|3 Idiots play DELTARUNE Multiplayer 607 1 18:01 App 【CC机翻】(原作者StarfireSeraphim)Defragmentation (A ...
UTCWIKI:https://utcwiki.com/Dancetale 主要角色换位 Kris↔Spamton Susie↔Jevil/Jables Noelle↔Seam Ralsei↔Dinsoda Lancer↔Asriel Seam↔Noelle King↔Toriel Jevil↔Susie/The Sooz Hacker↔Alphys Spamton↔Kris Queen↔Asgore Berdly↔Tasque manager ...
Spamton, full name Spamton G. Spamton, is a Darkner from the Cyber World. He is initially encountered in Cyber City, where he is fought as a miniboss. He is likely based on spam emails and adverts. If Kris helps him enter the Queen's Mansion's basement (either through the Loaded...
Tasque Manager's like for new wave synth pop appears be a reference to the band Devo's 1980 song "Whip It." Her Check text quotes the song: "Whip it good!" The "Tasque Manager Says" challenge at theBattle DojoreferencesKirby's Dream Land 3's Heart Star sub-games, with sound effects...