打开文件DeltaS.exe,第一次打开的时候会提示你输入系统的登陆用户名和密码,这里输入的用户名和密码是为启用该软件的服务用的。点击右边的Start Server,可能会出现错误,启动不了,我们可以进入服务,右击DeltaCopy Server,选择属性,然后选择登陆,选择本地系统帐户,保存,然后启动该服务,这样就可以了。 启动之后如图: 进入...
AboutMyX provides services for network administrators and web masters. Services include free monitoring for server uptime, web spell checker, backup and restore tool using rsync and syslog viewer for PIX firewall.
一、系统环境 注意:该软件使用是TCP873号端口,如果有做端口过滤的或者有启用防火墙的要打开这个端口。建议关闭防火墙(服务端和客户端) 二、项目规则 三、服务端配置 1、运行服务端程序DeltaS.exe 2、在D盘创建一个存放备份数据的目录 3、设置备份目录 4、然后把它注册成windows服务,然后启动服务(Start Server)。
Deltacopy DELTACOPY是一款免费的增量备份软件,可以运行在windows和linux环境下。Deltacopy使用的是server和client模式,2000以上的windows系统都可以支持。 该软件特点有四:1增量备份。2.可以设定备份的排程。3.支持SMTP,发送备份的成败报告提示。4.一键还原备份的资料。对于公司现在的lotus服务器的备份有用,IBM的3550硬碟...
通常情况下,DeltaCopy 是一个开源的快速增量备份程序。比方说你需要每晚备份500mb大小的文件。一个普通的拷贝软件会拷贝整个文件即使你只是修改了几个字节的数据。 DeltaCopy , 从另一个角度说, 她只会拷贝文件中有修改的部分。这种方式就只传输了500mb文件的一小部分,节省了时间和网络带宽。
0 Likes Hi I have setup DeltaCopy to make backup of "user shared folders" on a 2003 small business server. When i try to access the backupfiles on my DS-207 i can get access to \\ds-207\NetBackup\Users Shared Folders When i try to acces the subfolders i get "access denied" ...
2003 server backup using DeltaCopy Garmin Apr 17, 2008 Use one usb connected disk to backup two synology servers using Hyper Backup Jan-Erik Kaiser Sep 20, 2021 Backup to Synology Server wpsd.forum Mar 15, 2012 Restore Hyper Backup Data to a different Synology Gravit8 Sep 29, 2016 web ...
Direction DeltaCopy can copy files from client to server only. Copying files from server to client cannot be done using a schedule. You can certainly restore files, but that will restore every file. Backups in Syncrify are bi-directional: Client to Server Server to Client Two-way sync Rest...
DeltaCopy is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 & 2008, Windows Vista and Windows. DeltaCopy does not require many resources, generally it requires: 10MB of Hard Disk Space 64MB of RAM 1GHz processor 年份: 2010 ...
Go to “Control Panel” -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Select “DeltaCopy Server” -> Right mouse click -> Select “Properties” -> Go to “Log On” tab -> Select “Log on as: Local system account”, as shown below.