Thus, the use of sodium chloride and Tween-80 allowed reduction of the initial gruel concentration to 42gL 1 for the production of 3350mg L 1 delta-endotoxin, while it was only 3800mg L 1 with 92gL 1 gruel. Moreover, similar to 0.5gL 1 NaCl and 0.1% Tween-80, the use of 10gL ...
machinery; 𝑆𝐴𝑖𝑡SAit represents the irrigated area; 𝐺𝐹𝑖𝑡GFit represents the amount of fertilizer used; and 𝑎a, 𝑏b, 𝑐c, and 𝑑d represent their carbon emission factors, which are 16.47 kgC/hm2, 0.18 kgC/kw, 266.48 kgC/hm2, and 857.54 kgC/mg, respectively [...