通过比较不同轨道之间的delta v值,航天工程师可以优化航天任务的设计和执行,从而节约燃料、时间和资源。这种信息对于太空探索和任务规划至关重要,能够帮助科学家们更好地理解和利用太阳系中的动力学特性,推动人类探索宇宙的进程。A map of the solar system that shows the delta v requirements to change orbits ...
来源:https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/29cxi6/i_made_a_deltav_subway_map_of_the_solar_system/ 翻译:星际移民中心 @星移君 椭圆轨道的拱点 在之前一大堆微分方程的推导中,Probe 建立起了对二体模型和圆锥曲线轨道的初步认识。现在,是时候将这些结论应用在变轨中了。
Roadmap, released in September 2011 by the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG), which reflects the international effort to define feasible and sustainable exploration pathways to the Moon, near-Earth asteroids and Mars, is the Moon as second home in the Solar Sys...