delta wave词源英文解释 The first known use of delta wave was in 1936 delta wave医学词典英英释义 delta wavenoun a high amplitude electrical rhythm of the brain with a low frequency of less than four cycles per second that occurs especially in slow-wave sleep, is most prominent in infancy ...
英语解释 the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz) 相似短语 wave delta越浪堆积,冲溢三角洲 delta wave【医】 δ波(心电图) delta delta connection双三角形接法 ...
英英释义 the normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency (1 to 4 hertz) 访问沪江小D查看delta wave的更多详细解释>相关短语 three hop (电波的) 三次反射 time harmonic (电压和电流波形的) 时间谐波 spottiness (图像的) ...
英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【生】三角波
delta wave noun : a high amplitude electrical rhythm of the brain with a low frequency of less than four cycles per second that occurs especially in slow-wave sleep, is most prominent in infancy and early childhood, and may exhibit abnormal activity in various conditions (as traumatic brain ...
deltawaveC-WD是新型超声波测厚仪,用于精确、轻松地测量管道和部件的厚度。 厚度量适用于大多数材料,如钢、金属和塑料。deltawaveC-WD 提供广泛的测量范围和方便易用的用户界面。这和坚固的铝制外壳使其成为适用于众多应用的用户友好型多面手 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动...
The meaning of DELTA WAVE is a high amplitude electrical rhythm of the brain with a low frequency of less than four cycles per second that occurs especially in slow-wave sleep, is most prominent in infancy and early childhood, and may exhibit abnormal ac
简称:DELTAWAVE 产品分类:应用 领域:工具 描述:DELTAWAVE是一款脑电波助眠眼罩产品,通过脑电波音乐谱曲助眠带你进入小睡状态。眼罩通过前额电极实时捕捉采集脑电波数据并结合人工智能算法,根据脑波状态调整模型参数从而得到的实时变化的音乐。音乐逐步诱导大脑频率进入θ波段,促使大脑放松并逐渐进入睡眠状态。APP可实时监控大脑...