Industrial battery chargers for electric vehicles, golf cars, forklifts, motorcycles / scooters, scissor lifts, floor care machines, utility vehicles and more.
Delta-Q is charging the future and driving the world’s transition into electric energy! We collaboratively design, test, and manufacture robust battery chargers.
delta-q technologies is charging the future and driving the worlds transition into electric energy! we collaboratively design, test, and manufacture robust battery chargers, that improve the performance of our customers electric drive vehicles and industrial machines. as the supplier of choice for tier...
这款新充电器也是与Delta-Q Technologies Corp (Delta-Q)合作设计的成果,采用了该公司去年推出的XV3300充电器。 ZAPI集团充电器平台包含Zivan的CT3.3 Compact Titan和Delta-Q的XV3300产品型号,为世界各地的OEM厂商提供了灵活和强大的充电选择。Zivan与Delta-Q的合作旨在提供一个电力电子平台,两个品牌都可以根据不同的...
ZAPI集团旗下公司Delta-Q Technologies Corp和Zivan srl在bauma建筑贸易展上展示新充电器平台设计 全球电气化领域的领导者ZAPI集团今天推出一个新的综合充电平台,同时推出的还有Zivan srl (Zivan)的新充电器——CT3.3 Compact Titan。Zivan的首款充电器是一种3.3千瓦(kW)的解决方案,在欧洲领先的原始设备制造商(OEM)...
不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(美国商业资讯)--Delta-Q Technologies (Delta-Q)今天宣布,其“Charged by Delta-Q”合作伙伴计划又迎来四家公司的加入。这四家新合作伙伴分别是Stafl Systems、Idneo、BSLBATT Battery和American Battery Solutions。与现有合作伙伴一样,这些公司将获取相关工具、品牌关联和支持,在各种电动市场...
不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(美国商业资讯)--Delta-Q Technologies(Delta-Q)是电动汽车和工业设备电池充电解决方案领域的领先企业。该公司宣布现已开始全面生产其创新的中功率充电器XV3300。这款高效充电系统采用独特的三合一设计,集成3.3千瓦电池充电器、为车辆辅助负载供电的500瓦DC-DC转换器和电动汽车充电站接口。这些关...
卑詩省溫哥華--(美國商業資訊)--Delta-Q Technologies (Delta-Q)是電動汽車和工業設備電池充電解決方案領域的領先企業。該公司宣布現已開始全面生產其創新的中功率充電器XV3300。這款高效率充電系統採用獨特的三合一設計,整合了3.3瓩電池充電器、為車輛輔助
About Delta-Q Technologies Founded in 1999, Delta-Q Technologies leads electrification for industrial and recreational vehicles with top-tier OEMs. As part of the ZAPI GROUP, and together with ZIVAN, we offer a wide range of charging solutions from 350 W to 36 kW for various markets, includin...
VANCOUVER — On Mar. 1, Delta-Q Technologies (Delta-Q) announces it has welcomed four additional companies to its partner program, “Charged by Delta-Q.” The new partners are Stafl Systems, Idneo, BSLBATT Battery, and American Battery Solutions. These companies will ha...