toSromusth Delta h(aqsuahnitsitfioerdicbayllnyumbebeenr otfhveerdyriwesett aannddexwtraermmeelystw, ewt ditahyst)h, ewhleilaesWt nesutmDebletar iosftheexwtreetmteset storms (qanudancotioflieesdt, bwyitnhuthmeblaerrgoesftvneurmybwereot faenxdtreemxteresmtoremlys.wInetthdeahyiss)to, rwicha...
Since a simultaneous time series of measured wave data was available within the modelled domain, it was possible to obtain transfer coefficients for wave conditions (wave height and direction) for any point in the grid with respect to buoy location. With this information, the recorded wave ...