VFD-F Series are manufactured by adopting high-quality components, material and incorporating the latest microprocessor technology available. Getting Started This manual will be helpful in the installation, parameter setting, troubleshooting, and daily maintenance of the AC motor drives. To guarantee safe...
故障排除 (Troubleshooting) 61 6.1 燈號指示說明 61 6.2 變頻器指示器警告/故障碼說明 62 6.3 故障排除 63 附錄 A. EtherNet/IP 服務與物件 64 A.1 Object 物件 64 A.2 支援的物件 65 A.3 支援的資料型態 65 A.4 Identity Object (Class Code :0x01) 66 A.4.1 Service Code 66 A.4.2 Instance ...