Write a review 91.3 100.0 Customer Reviews Based on 47 reviews (42) (4) (1) (0) (0) Most RecentHighest RatingLowest RatingOnly PicturesPictures FirstVideos FirstMost Helpful 12/26/2024 Hannah Math-U-See Delta We are pleased with the Math-U-See Delta. My daughter is doing great so far...
We explore the N=1* theories compactified on a circle with twisted boundary conditions. The gauge algebra of these theories are the so-called twisted affin... SY Kim,JB Lee - 《Commun.korean Math.soc》 被引量: 2发表: 1995年 Midrapidity {pi sup -}/{pi sup +} Ratios in 1.05 GeV...
Explore the epsilon-delta definition of limit. Find delta given epsilon, and discover how to evaluate limits using the epsilon-delta proof method...
(1996b). An application of screw algebra to the acceleration analysis of serial chains. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 31(4), 445–457. Article MathSciNet Google Scholar Stamper, R. E. (1997). Athree degree of freedom parallel manipulator with only translational degrees of freedom. Ph.D. ...
The superalgebra $\\hat{K}'(4)$ and the exceptional N = 6 superconformalalgebra have ``small'' irreducible representations in the superspaces $V^{\\mu}= t^... E Poletaeva - 《Dyn.contin.discrete Impuls.syst.ser.a Math.anal》 被引量: 10发表: 2007年 ...
A pure p-wave ${ensuremath{pi}}^{0}$ condensation in the chiral $mathrm{SU}(3)ensuremath{bigotimes}mathrm{SU}(3)$ model is studied within the relativistic mean-field approximation and its effect on the equation of state is compared with ... K Takahashi 被引量: 1发表: 2002年 Possibi...
MacLean, Mark S.Miklavic, StefkoPenjic, SafetLinear Algebra and its ApplicationsM. MacLean, S. Miklavicˇ, S. Penjic´, On the Terwilliger algebra of bipartite distance-regular graphs with ∆2 = 0 and c2 = 1, Linear Algebra Appl. 496 (2016), 307-330....
Let \\sigma be an automorphism of a commutative k-algebra R. The skew polynomial ring R[t;\\sigma] is generated by R and an indeterminate t subject to the ... SP Smith - 《Eprint Arxiv》 被引量: 3发表: 2013年 C_p(X) is not G_(#delta##sigma#): a Simple Proof It is know...
Final-state interaction and $\\\stackrel{\\\ensuremath{ightarrow}}{B}\\\mathrm{KK}$ decays in perturbative QCD We predict the branching ratios and $mathrm{CP}$ asymmetries of the $stackrel{ensuremath{rightarrow}}{B}mathrm{KK}$ decays using the perturbative QCD factorization theorem, i...
Final-state interaction and $\\\stackrel{\\\ensuremath{ightarrow}}{B}\\\mathrm{KK}$ decays in perturbative QCD We predict the branching ratios and $mathrm{CP}$ asymmetries of the $stackrel{ensuremath{rightarrow}}{B}mathrm{KK}$ decays using the perturbative QCD factorization theorem, ...