\mu,\lambdaandqit is possible to findMandufor which the equality in (7) or (10) is attained. This is shown by explicit examples described at the end of Sect.3. We don’t know whether the value ofC_1>pin (9) is sharp or not for the validity of (8). It seems ...
Further, we obtain a Cartan homotopy formula for an arbitrary higher derivation on A.Banerjee, AbhishekIndian Inst SciKour, SurjeetIndian Inst TechnolAnnali di matematica pura ed applicata
Further, we obtain a Cartan homotopy formula for an arbitrary higher derivation on A .doi:10.1007/s10231-019-00844-xAbhishek BanerjeeSurjeet KourSpringer NatureAnnali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
In addition, we quantify the magnitude of the efficiency in both cases.doi:10.1007/s10203-016-0172-6Liang HongSpringer & Associazione per la MatematicaDecisions in Economics and Finance