提到“Delta Force:Black Hawk Down—Team Sabre”,许多玩家对它一定不陌生——没错,它就是大名鼎鼎...
Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre is the official expansion pack to the #1 best selling PC game in North America. Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run.
From the war torn streets of Somalia you have been re-deployed to take out targets in Colombia and Iran. As the US military’s preemptive strike force you must work with your team to get the job done. Intensity of Modern Warfare Continues… Wage war over the internet across 5 new terrai...
Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre is the official expansion pack to the #1 best selling PC game in North America. Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. ...
The official expansion pack to the #1 best selling PC game in North America. Team Sabre was developed using the Delta Force — Black Hawk Down engine and it requires the mother product to run. The game is a military-based shooter but the missions are...
Delta Force Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre PC Plateforme Edition Évalué - Prix Spécial32,89 R$RRP54,89 R$ -40% Notify me Prévenez-moi quand le produit est en stock You will be notified when the item is back in stock. PEUT ÊTRE ACTIVÉ DANS VOTRE PAYS Brésil ...
2004年初,NovaLogic又推出了资料片《三角洲力量-黑鹰坠落之军刀小队(Delta Force: Black Hawk Down-Team Sabre)》,其在原作基础上增加了一些新的武器和细节优化,并将战场由原来的索马里转移到了哥伦比亚与伊朗。 《黑鹰坠落》即其资料片《军刀部队》使用了《卡曼奇4(Comanche 4)》游戏的图象引擎,并对引擎技术进行...
黑鹰行动军刀部队-全攻略DeltaForce:BlackHawkDownTeamSabre更多黑鹰行动军刀部队-全攻略DeltaForce:BlackHawkDownTeamSabre相关信息请点击这里获得类别:游戏攻略类目:动作射击哥伦比亚任务columbia 1炸毁毒品运输船Drugsmugglingharbor一开始,2架黑鹰将4名三角洲队员空降到敌人基地附近的山谷,沿着雷达指示来到桥头,干掉桥头的守卫...
初次见到三角洲部队系列还是在小学时的暑假期间,是接触到的第一款fps游戏,当时虽然有电脑,但是没有网络,只有用u盘或光碟将游戏装进硬盘里,那会儿电脑经常坏, xp系统相当不稳定,蓝屏 死机经常发生,不知是硬件还是软件问题,还是两者皆有 那会也听不懂任务简报,就是跟着waypoint指的方向走,不过是黑鹰坠落的版本,而...
三角洲特种部队:黑鹰坠落 军刀小队三角洲4:黑鹰行动之战队之剑 / Delta Force. Операция «Картель» / Delta Force: Helikopter w Ogniu: Team SabreDelta Force: Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre Ritual Entertainment,Rebellion Developments ...